Risk Profiler Results

Read the below and chose one option!

Cash – This option indicate an extremely low tolerance to investment risk or, alternatively, you have a short investment time frame.  The only appropriate investment for this risk profile or time frame is a cash-based investment such as bank accounts, cash management trusts and term deposits. 

Conservative –   As a Conservative investor, you really don’t like risk. Your risk profile suggests you are most concerned with keeping what you have. As a result, you are prepared to accept lower returns to reduce the risk of losing capital. Based on your risk profile you would generally prefer an investment mix that is positioned defensively to produce a stable return with a higher proportion invested in bonds and cash and a smaller proportion of money in shares and property investments.  Minimum Investment Term:  2 years 

Moderately Conservative – As a Moderately Conservative investor, you seek consistent returns using a steady growth strategy. Your risk profile suggests you want some potential for capital growth, but prefer not to have large fluctuations in short term performance. Based on your risk profile, you would generally prefer a diversified portfolio with a balance of defensive assets, such as bonds and cash and growth assets such as shares and property.  Minimum Investment Term:  3 years  

Balanced – As a Balanced investor, you seek a portfolio that will give you the best opportunity to achieve your medium to long term financial goals. Your risk profile suggests you are prepared to experience short term fluctuations in performance for potentially higher returns over the long term. Based on your risk profile, you would generally prefer a diversified portfolio with a bias towards growth assets such as shares and property. 

Minimum Investment Term:  5 years  

Growth – As a Growth investor, you focus on assets with greater growth potential. Your risk profile suggests you are prepared to accept short term fluctuations in performance for potentially greater returns over the longer term. Based on your risk profile, you would generally prefer a diversified portfolio with a strong bias towards growth investments such as shares and property.  Minimum Investment Term:  5 years 

High Growth – As a High Growth investor, you are prepared to compromise portfolio balance to pursue potential long term gains. Your risk profile suggests you acknowledge there will be short term fluctuations in performance and are comfortable to invest in high risk investments. Based on your risk profile you would generally prefer a portfolio comprising solely growth assets such as shares and property.   Minimum Investment Term:  7 years

Now move to the next section and confirm your choice by ticking the appropriate box or chose another option if not satisfied with your original response?

    Cash 100% Capital Secure – I am satisfied with a cash rate of return. I do not wish to take any investment risk.
    Conservative I do not wish to take any investment risk with the majority of my portfolio. I am prepared to
    target an exposure of between 10 & 40% of my portfolio to the volatility of the share markets
    for the possibility of achieving higher returns on this portion of my portfolio. I am satisfied
    with a cash rate of return for the remainder of my funds. I may have a short-term investment
    horizon (less than 3 years) for the majority of my funds.
    Moderately Conservative I seek a combination of income and moderate growth on my portfolio. I am prepared to
    target an exposure of between 40% & 60% of my portfolio to the volatility of the share
    markets for the possibility of achieving higher returns on this portion of my portfolio. I am
    satisfied with a cash rate of return for the remainder of my funds. I have an investment horizon
    of at least 3 years for the majority of my funds.
    Balanced I seek a combination of income and strong growth on my portfolio. I am prepared to target
    an exposure of between 60% & 80% of my portfolio to the volatility of the share markets so
    long as my portfolio is well-diversified across growth assets. I understand that my funds may
    experience capital loss in the short term and I am prepared to invest for the long term (5 years
    or more).
    Growth I seek a very high rate of return with a focus on capital growth and less emphasis on income.
    I am prepared to target an exposure of between 80% & 100% of my funds to growth assets
    so long as my portfolio is well diversified within these asset classes. I understand that my
    funds may experience capital loss in the short term and I am prepared to invest for the long
    term (5 years or more).
    High Growth

    I seek a very high rate of return with a focus on capital growth and I am prepared to target an
    exposure of between 95% to 100% of my funds to growth assets so long as my portfolio is
    well diversified within these asset classes. I understand that my funds may experience capital
    loss in the short to medium term and I am prepared to invest for 7 years or more.

    I am also prepared to borrow funds as a way of having more capital to invest (ie; you are prepared to purchase geared investments).

    I understand that my funds may experience capital loss in the short to medium term and I know that I should take a long-term view to give myself the best chance of recouping my borrowing expenses and of achieving satisfactory returns for the risk. I am prepared to invest for 7 years or more. I am entirely comfortable with the behavior of equity and property markets and I accept that borrowing to invest may compound capital losses.

    I have confirmed that I have read the risk profiles and am happy and comfortable with the level of risk chosen